This effervescent ice cream bra is a high fructose homage to Madonna’s iconic cone bra. Giant 3D printed waffle cones protrude from glimmering, mint green ice cream that drips down your chest, an icon in the making as you serve your just desserts. The upended ice cream cones transform the wearer into a hero in haute couture, honoring a titan of fashion and music.
Every element of this bra was digitally sculpted in Fusion 360 and 3D printed, harnessing technology to bring to life a high fashion take on a messy situation. The cones were hand painted with intricate detail to make every facet of the cone stand out on stage. The melting cups were painted with acrylic paint and encased in hardened, mica-infused resin, to give them a glistening, drippy effect. 3D printed sprinkle beads were digitally sculpted, 3D printed, and hand-sewn onto the hand-patterned bra band to create the illusion of overturned ice cream dripping down the model's sides.
This bra was a finalist in the Bizarre Bra category at World of WearableArt in Wellington, NZ in 2023.
For behind-the-scenes details on the making of this piece, please click here.